I love online shopping. I get anxious a lot when trying to shop in the real world, especially since we have added baby Jude to the mix. There is nothing worse than cramming yourself into a dressing room with a stroller, crying baby, and impatient four year old who is repeatedly asking for the 10th toy of the day, just to try on jeans that wont fit right anyway. No thanks. Not only do I shop for practical things on the internet but I like to dream shop online also. Its like window shopping on steroids! Can I say 2 carat cushion cut diamond? Or maybe just build a ring...
That huge dream kitchen I am going to have someday has to have a shiny hood in it like the Viking 30" dcwh 30421...
Then there are things that I actually buy online, like the sit and stand stroller that I ordered a while back and { just to let you know} LOVE...
I have my eye on these personalized Easter baskets for the kids...
And a little something for Mr. Jude...
All of this while sipping coffee, in my robe, on the patio. Life is good.